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Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!
31.12.2011 um 09:25 Uhr - mango

Firefox 9.0
20.12.2011 um 13:51 Uhr - kolop
Link: Quelle: WinFuture - Quelle: heise

MTA 70 abgeschlossen
Massiv Team Attack LAN
14.12.2011 um 11:00 Uhr - kolop
Link: MTA

Counter-strike Gobal Offensive
05.12.2011 um 16:33 Uhr - kolop
Der Beta-Termin wurde bekannt gegeben, alles neue findet ihr unter dem Link.

Hier noch ein Gameplay-Video
Link: Quelle: WinFuture

Minimum Player - Warm up mode
Battlefield 3
05.12.2011 um 15:20 Uhr - Fredneuberger
Link: Quelle: Battlelog News

Battlefield 3
03.12.2011 um 06:06 Uhr - Fredneuberger
Link: Quelle: Battlelog Forum

Back to Karkand - Gamestar DLC Video
Battlefield 3
02.12.2011 um 04:46 Uhr - Fredneuberger
Link: Quelle: Gamestar

Battlefield 3
26.11.2011 um 00:43 Uhr - Fredneuberger hat einen interessanten Artikel mit Infos zu den kommenden Patches gepostet. Dabei arbeiten sie einen Post des BF3 Community Managers crash7800 auf. Hier die interessantesten Infos:

So, here's what I'm seeing.

We've made progress that most of you appreciate and the fixes we are making are welcome. That being said, there are still some issues that you've been asking about that weren't included in this patch. These include, but are not limited to:

- In-game VOIP
- Various nerfs including Taclight
- changes to chat window (size, positioning)
- Additional changes to squad interface, including the ability to make squads
- Beep beeps (Which will be implemented, just not in this patch)

- Squad and in-game interface changes (mostly revolving around the proposed fan-designed interface)

- EDIT: TV Missles - definitely known (can't believe i left it off @_@)

- EDIT: Spectator/Battlerecorder - Another very popular request. (I can't believe I left it off! I'd like this too _)

Please know that these are definitely on our radar as top issues for community requests.

Some of the issues addressed in this patch were brought to our attention by you guys, including the "negative acceleration" issue. We're committed to continuing to act on your feedback!

Not all of the issues we've solved are as impactful or sexy as some of you were hoping for, but I hope everyone appreciates how hard the DICE team has been working

Anbei auch noch ein Link zu dem Bild auf crash7800 sich mit dem "fan-designed interface" bezieht.
Link: Quelle: - Fan designed interface